Our Safeguarding Staff
Safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff. However, the following staff members have specific roles within the setting:
Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Catherine Barnett (Head Teacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Marie McCaffery
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Ashley Snowdon
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Demi Cooper
Chair of Governors (Safer Recruitment) Mr Richard Bell
Safeguarding and Prevent Governor Mr Mike Wooler
Safeguarding Working Party (Governors) Mr Richard Bell, Mr Mike Wooler, Mrs Joanne
Cared For (Looked After) Child Governor Mr Richard Bell
Our Safeguarding Staff
Safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff. However, the following staff members have specific roles within the setting:
Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Catherine Barnett (Head Teacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Marie McCaffery
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Ashley Snowdon
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Demi Cooper
Chair of Governors (Safer Recruitment) Mr Richard Bell
Safeguarding and Prevent Governor Mr Mike Wooler
Safeguarding Working Party (Governors) Mr Richard Bell, Mr Mike Wooler, Mrs Joanne
Cared For (Looked After) Child Governor Mr Richard Bell
Our Safeguarding Staff
Safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff. However, the following staff members have specific roles within the setting:
Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Catherine Barnett (Head Teacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Marie McCaffery
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Ashley Snowdon
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Demi Cooper
Chair of Governors (Safer Recruitment) Mr Richard Bell
Safeguarding and Prevent Governor Mr Mike Wooler
Safeguarding Working Party (Governors) Mr Richard Bell, Mr Mike Wooler, Mrs Joanne
Cared For (Looked After) Child Governor Mr Richard Bell
Our Safeguarding Staff
Safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff. However, the following staff members have specific roles within the setting:
Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Catherine Barnett (Head Teacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Marie McCaffery
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Ashley Snowdon
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Miss Demi Cooper
Chair of Governors (Safer Recruitment) Mr Richard Bell
Safeguarding and Prevent Governor Mr Mike Wooler
Safeguarding Working Party (Governors) Mr Richard Bell, Mr Mike Wooler, Mrs Joanne
Cared For (Looked After) Child Governor Mr Richard Bell